- This event has passed.
St. George’s Service
April 23, 2023 @ 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
The District Commissioner invites all Scout Groups, Explorer Units and Scout Network, together with their Leaders and Assistants to attend the St. George’s Day Service of Celebration, to renew our promises at Tewkesbury Abbey on Sunday 23rd April 2023 at 2 pm.
- All groups to assemble on the East lawn of the Abbey at 1.30 pm
Lining up in following order:
- Beavers in their colonies with their Leaders Gotherington, Woodmancote, Twyning, Winchcombe, Tewkesbury
- Cubs in their packs with their Leaders Woodmancote, Twyning, Winchcombe, Tewkesbury, Gotherington
- Scouts in their troops with their Leaders Twyning, Winchcombe, Tewkesbury, Gotherington, Woodmancote
- Explorers as a District with their Leaders Red Wolves, Haberpakka, Pioneers, Extreme
- District Network
These will form up inside the Abbey at 130 (following the rehearsal to be arranged by Phil Edge)
- The Union Flag
- St Georges Flag
- District Beaver, Cub and Scout Flags
- Group Beaver, Cub and Scout Flags
- District Explorer Flag
- District Network Flag
The front rows on the tight hand side Civic guests , District Executive , DC and County Leaders
- Beavers at the front with leaders and Y/L’s
- Cubs with Leader and Y/L’s
- Scouts with Leaders and Y/L’s
- Explorers and Network
- Full and correct uniform should be worn.
- Rainwear and jackets only to be worn in the event of rain.
- For added warmth, additional clothes may be worn under the uniform (e.g. jumper or T shirt)
- All Scouting Awards/Decorations should be worn.
The Service
- The Service will be conducted by a local minister
- The Service will last approximately 45 mins.
- A collection will be taken during the Service as indicated in the Order of Service.
- Leaders are asked to collect monies from each section before the Service and hand it to the Explorers doing the collection at the appropriate time.
After The Service
- Following the National Anthem, everyone is asked to remain standing while the Flags and our guests leave the Abbey.
- Sections will be asked to leave the Abbey by the Great West door – turn left along the South Side of the Abbey ready for dismissal.
- All Leaders and Assistants are invited to take refreshments along with our guests in the Parish Hall following the service.